Last week marked the end of my second semester and first year at the New York Academy of Art. Half of the semester had to be taught online and many projects had to be abandoned in the city, but I was able to return home and settle back into my old studio. I spent my time working on more self-directed work and made a few really fun discoveries- (see new wreath paintings and a puppet self-portrait in progress!).
Looking back on work that I was making just last year has really shown me what a difference one year can make when you surround yourself with the right people and allow yourself to grow. It’s easy to forget how valuable the passing comments are when suddenly you don’t have anyone telling you something looks good or needs a bit of work. In a small way I’m grateful I ended the year on Zoom because I will be that much more appreciative when I return to school.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020! See you real soon Tribeca.